about me

Hi, I'm Téa.

I started as an artist assistant painting alongside Sharon Kagan in her Los Angeles studio. My day job was at a digital marketing company. While I was quickly understanding the quirks of the art world, I learned how to effectively promote work and build loyal relationships. 

I have 5 years of experience working with emerging and mid-career visual artists, and digital marketing. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a certification in coaching, and education in fine art. Most importantly, I know how to make shit happen.

How I got here

We are born artists. And then society does its best to beat it out of us.
— Rick Rubin

During a particularly challenging period in my life, art became my sanctuary away from the depths of existential dread and mental turmoil. I reintroduced myself to the artistic side of me that I had forgotten, leading to a realization — art is not a pastime; it is an indispensable lifeline. It taps into the deepest and most spiritual part of us and is necessary for our world to function. It expands conversations, addresses difficult subjects, and allows individuality to be appreciated. Artists must be nourished, valued, and supported.